School Hours
School hours are from 8:15am – 2:43pm, with an early 1:43 pm dismissal every Tuesday to allow for teachers’ professional development. Supervision on the yard begins at 7:45 am; please do not drop your child off prior to this time. The instruction bell will ring at 8:20am. Promptness and regular attendance habits are important factors in student achievement levels.

Recess and Lunch
In order to ensure a fun and safe playground environment for our students, our recess and lunch periods are separated between lower and upper grades:
10:00-10:20 TK/K: Snack & Recess, grades 1,2: Recess
10:20-10:40 Grades 3,4,5: Recess
12:00-12:20 TK/K, grades 1,2: Lunch
12:20-12:40 TK/K, grades 1,2: Recess
12:20-12:40 Grades 3,4,5: Lunch
12:40-1:00 Grades 3,4,5: Recess

Tardiness and Absences
Students who arrive after 8:20am must come directly to the main office to receive a tardy slip. Parents of pre-schoolers and kindergartners may escort their child to class. School personnel will assist 1st -6th graders to class. Parents must submit a note of explanation to their teacher when their child is tardy or absent in order to be cleared in our computer system. Please inform us of any issues that may affect your child’s attendance, including chronic health conditions.

Dress Code
Students should dress sensibly – school days will include, amongst other activities, p.e., gardening and art class. Students should wear closed toed shoes; please no open toed sandals or flip-flops.